Veterinary Services
Pet Diagnostics

Learn more about the pet diagnostic services we offer below.

Pet Diagnostics
in Chagrin Falls, OH 44023
A Deeper Look: Diagnostics at Chagrin Animal Clinic
Our complex diagnostic equipment helps break down your pet’s health into multiple layers so we can more easily pinpoint the source of trouble and address them accordingly. Diagnosing your pet’s symptoms may seem simple, but a surface problem may actually be only a small part of a deeper problem. Running regular tests and screenings helps us catch issues early, giving your pet a better chance at a fast, full recovery.
Full Laboratory Capabilities
Diagnostic equipment comes in many shapes and sizes. Our full Heska lab does it all. While we do often send out some tests, for speedier results we can do just about anything right here in-house. Here’s what our lab is capable of:
- CBC (complete blood count)
- Chemistry panel
- Fecal testing
- Urinalysis
- Cytology (skin, ears, lumps, bumps)
- Biopsies
- Heartworm testing
- … and more!
Typically, we do general diagnostic tests at your annual wellness exam to screen for abnormalities, parasites, and disease. Staying ahead of the curve with your pet’s health ensures they live longer, healthier lives with you.